Yaka! - L'Echo ft. Krisy
DIRECTOR - 1080p, Color, 16/9, French spoken, BE, 2022, 2’
L'Echo launches Yaka!, a program to boost the entrepreneurial spirit in Wallonia and Brussels. A new generation of entrepreneurs is bursting with energy and ambition. They know no boundaries and want to become champions in their field. Yaka! is there to help them move up a gear and inspire many others. You too can dare to think big for your business.
MM Campaign Of The Week by MM

client: l'echo
agency: famousgrey
director: simon cools fierlafijn
music: krisy
producer: lieselotte belon, jesse vander meersch
dop: arno weijdema
art director: zoë boogaerts
tos: Toon Minnen
photographer: jules emile
editor: joost prins
vfx: nicolas gillard
sound design: Eli Sundermann